Monday, March 29, 2010

The Oberoi Amarvilas


The city of Agra, is home to one of the most famous monuments in the world. The Oberoi Amarvilas is a luxury resort, located 600 metres from this glorious monument. Crafted in a magical setting to bring sophisticated luxury within sight of the world's greatest monument, the Taj Mahal. Exquisitely designed to complement the environment, the resort presents the unique luxury of priavte views of this glorious monument, in all her changing moods. The most famouse monument to love ever is the Taj Mahal. It often describes as "poetry in marble". Enjoy this architectural wonder surrounded by every conceivable luxury. Another feature which can be seen in the Taj's vaulted ceiling has also been lavishly included in the Oberoi Amarvilas.

OberoiAmarvilas,exterior viewOberoiAmarvilas,exterior

The courtyard at the Oberoi Amarvilas is spefically divided into four quarters by level stone bridges. Every screen is carved out of single block of marble and the shafts of light through the spaces create decorative shadows. This entire splendor doesn't end there. The Greek marble competes with the darkened Italiano Satvario. The Oberoi Amarvilas displays all the aesthetics and the glory of one of the most artist-loving Indian dynastic epochs.

OberoiAmarvilas,swimming pool
Illuminated swimming pool in the evening
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